Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Journey of a Lifetime

The Rev and I have just returned from what can only be called "The Journey of a Lifetime"; we took our only child to be dropped off at college.  We drove 4,458 miles together in a smallish-type car visiting friends along the way and reliving moments of our daughter's youth.  We were reminded of everything from "joey" the boy in kindergarten who our daughter deemed had "handsome hair" to the super-hero "superior boy" the boy from high school. 

We also discussed the difference between what, while in kindergarten the Kid the deemed "friendship kisses" vs "love kisses".  The Rev was always ok with the fact that his daughter at the age of 6 gave a boy a kiss because it was only a "friend kiss, dad" until while re-telling the story to some college kids they laughed and said wait till she says "but dad, it was only friend sex, not love sex". 

We also covered which is better to have a boyfriend with a motorbike or to have a boyfriend with someone with whom you used to have a restraining order against.  Hands down agreed that it would be best if she go with the motorbike over the restraining order. 

Driving the kid back to college and helping her to get established in her room not only allowed us to see where she will be residing this year, meet her roommate, and check out the campus, but it also allowed us invaluable time together to grow and to let go.  We are proud of the young adult woman that our daughter has grown into and look forward to watching what the future holds for her. 

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